Digital storytelling
Fri, 05 Feb
Clarifying the functions and elements of digital storytelling, providing tools and guidelines for their use, will turn storytelling into a strong and successful practice in social communication.

Кога и къде?
05 Feb 2021, 13:30 – 17:00
За събитието
February 4, 2021
- session 1 - 13: 30-15: 00
- session 2 - 15: 30-17: 00
Storytelling, in its digital form, is increasingly entering the activities of civil society organizations, as it achieves a more influential, emotional, authentic and credible presentation of messages, values, ideas. Storytelling has the power to generate empathy, to bind and attract, to give a "face" to causes, the context of problems, to "assemble" the causal links of events. That is why storytelling has become a new communication formula, the application of which requires knowledge and skills. Clarifying the functions and elements of digital storytelling, providing tools and guidelines for their use, will turn storytelling into a strong and successful practice in social communication.
In this module we will discuss the following topics:
- What is digital storytelling and its place in the communication of civil society organizations? Elements
- Where do we get ideas and topics for stories? The process of "collecting" the story
- Principles and techniques for creating an influential digital story
- Tools and methods for creating a story
The assimilation of the material will allow:
- Acquiring confidence, knowledge and skills to use the power of stories in the overall concept of digital communication of civil society organizations in empowering vulnerable groups, promoting results and good practices, publicly asking key questions and problems, etc.
- Developing a sense of history and constructing it in an impactful way.
- Application of established dramatic techniques and approaches in building the story.
- Mastering the whole process of creating a digital story - from the topic to the final result.
This module is part of a practice-oriented online training for developing the competencies of girls and young women in the field of digital communication, focused on causes, civic initiatives and activist activities, which is implemented within the project "Communication of causes and activism in online Wednesday - DigiComs " , funded by the Bulgarian Women's Fund.