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Brief information about the project

Name:What Women Want?

Duration: 1.07.2023-31.12.2023)

Donor: The White Ribbon Alliance

Contract No: 2023-FAA-014 

Funding: $10,000


Project target groups

The primary target group is women between the ages of 18-45, with a child/children from Sofia or a large regional city, who are active online. They are interested in topics related to raising children, cooking, health, fashion trends and well-being. 

The secondary target group is women between the ages of 46-70, caregivers

for parents or grandchildren, from Sofia or a large regional city, active online.

What is the purpose of the project?

The What Women Want project is part of the larger initiativemomgotajob on Impact Drive. It aims to understand the needs of women carers.

We ask one basic question: "Darling, what do you need?" and we listen carefully. We bring the approach of The White Ribbon Alliance to Bulgaria and put the focus on the direct beneficiaries by giving voice to their needs and desires.

This will make it possible in the future to know what carers in our country want and to build our work and advocacy campaigns on this basis.

We aim to reach 50,000 beneficiaries.

What activities are planned?

1: Create a campaign to promote the survey

2: Organization of meetings and discussion groups for the needs of women in Bulgaria.

3: Collection and sharing of personal stories and photographic material for participants in the groups and study. 

4: Preparation of summary information about the collected data.

What results do we expect?

  • Reaching 50,000 women caregivers in their families

  • Completed questionnaire by at least 200 people caring for other people in their family

  • Group sessions aimed at conversations on the topic of women's needs

  • General report on the needs of women in Bulgaria, caring for other people in their family


  • реализирана обширна онлайн кампания в Мета за разпространение на въпросника, както в страниците на Impact Drive,

  • така и в партньорство с People of Sofia
    общо достигане на кампанията: 310 441 импресии
    общ брой кликвания на линка към анкетата: 4505 клика

  • въпросникът бе попълнен от над 260 жени, а резултатите ни позволиха да очертаем ясни тенденции и посоки за подобрение на средата за жените, полагащи грижа; изготвихме обобщаваща статия с резултатите, която можете да прочетете ТУК

  • проведохме общо 5 събития - съпорт групи - (2 онлайн и 3 на живо) с различни теми, засягащи работещите жени

  • интерпретирахме резултатите от анкетите и обратните връзки от събитията с помощта на социолог; изготвихме доклад, който обобщава 
    резултатите от кампанията и предлага следващи стъпки в процеса на подобряване на средата за жените, полагащи грижи в България;
    изготвихме обобщаваща статия с резултатите от проучването, която можете да прочетете ТУК

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