Environment, tools and instruments
Thu, 14 Jan
The aim of the module is to get acquainted with the processes and trends in the online environment, the consumption and creation of content, attracting attention, engaging for a long period of time. You will get acquainted with a rich media mix.
Кога и къде?
14 Jan 2021, 13:30 – 17:00
За събитието
January 14, 2021
- session 1 - 13: 30-15: 00
- session 2 - 15: 30-17: 00
The aim of the module is to get acquainted with the processes and trends in the online environment, the consumption and creation of content, attracting attention, engaging for a long period of time. Getting acquainted with a rich media mix, combining different channels to reach certain audiences, as well as approaches to formatting the content according to the perceptions of the audience, the specifics of the channel. Skills for searching and working with accessible online digital tools (budget or free access) and practical guidelines for their specific application in the activities of the organization.
In this module we will discuss the following topics:
- Specifics of digital communication, trends in the online environment, profiling of target groups (media, supporters, team, donors, partners, etc.)
- Channels for online communication and effective multichannel communication
- Social networks - creating and managing communities, interaction, engagement, inclusion
- Digital tools and their use in the work of organizations
The assimilation of the material will allow:
- Knowledge of the online environment, strategies for profiling different audiences, tactics for reaching and engaging them.
- Skills for "smart" combination of communication channels and effective management.
- Knowledge of the specifics of channels and approaches to formatting content in order to achieve maximum communication effect, commitment and "cultivation" of loyal followers.
- Knowledge of the characteristics of social networks and ability to apply approaches when using them to conduct engaging communication of participation.
- Skills to work with various digital tools for creating, processing and distributing content, to engage the audience, attract interest and implement successful campaigns.
This module is part of a practice-oriented online training for developing the competencies of girls and young women in the field of digital communication, focused on causes, civic initiatives and activist activities, which is implemented within the project "Communication of causes and activism in online Wednesday - DigiComs " , funded by the Bulgarian Women's Fund.