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Radina Stereva

Digital Communicator

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Вярвам, че Impact Drive е правилното място, от което да започна градежа на своя професионален път. IDF е място, където мога да се докосна до различен тип организации и стартъп компании

Radina Stereva

Digital marketing, social work, copywriting/writing, public policy, public relations, advertising

Bachelor's degree at the American University in Bulgaria (2024) Double degree in Political Science with International Relations and Journalism with Mass Communications.

Humanities are my passion and that is where I will focus in the future.

I have gained experience as:

Freelance Journalist at web magazine (May 2020 - September 2020)

Media Monitoring Assistant at PR agency M3 Communications (June 2022- September 2022)

Part of the socially focused Better Community Club(BCC). Marketing Department (September 2022-May 2024)

Intern at IDF (November 2022-January 2023)

Part of the University newspaper AUBG Daily

Reporters& Editors(September 2023- May 24)

Digital Communicator at IDF(January 2024-)

Part of DigiComs ONE Season 2

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