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✔︎ starting date: 03 April
✔︎ 4 connected themes 
✔︎ 12 hours lectures 
✔︎ 3 weeks of study

Comms4Fundarising is an intensive two-week course designed specifically for,
to help you fundraise more successfully for a cause. In a series of
4 three-hour interactive sessions, the team will share with you methods and approaches to fundraising for causes and proper communication in the process.
From types of donations and donors, to specific solicitation practices, to developing your custom fundraising plan. In this course, you'll be able to design your own campaign and test what you've learned through a final hands-on assignment. You'll learn and practice the language businesses speak and understand what and how they support. If you need to boost support for your cause - this course is for you!


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5 weeks of combined learning + 2 weeks for practical assignment and assessment by us
All in one place - an integrated learning and sharing platform
Live, online interactive sessions - with the opportunity to draw on the expertise of the experts
Assignments for independent work with feedback and recommendations from the lecturer
Session recordings, resources and materials for self-study and further development
Final practical assignment on a real case (your own or suggested by us) - evaluation and recommendations by us
For whom is this course suitable?
The content in this course is specifically designed to meet the needs of:
  • НПО практици с желание да надградят уменията си за фондонабиране
  • Дигитални комуникатори, завършили DigiComs Foundation, които искат да надградят уменията си в комуникация с цел фондонабиране
  • Комуникационни експерти, които искат да развията специфични знания и умения в комуникация за фондонабиране
  • Всеки с интерес да фондонабира за своята кауза, гражданска инициатива, организация
  • Настоящи и бъдещи социални предприемачи
What skills will you acquire?
  • In this intensive course, you gain knowledge about the types of donors and donors, their specificities in relation to civil society organizations and social entrepreneurs.
  • You will build a basic understanding of fundraising, terminology and key communication competencies related to this activity.
  • You will develop specific knowledge and skills for selling - what are the mechanisms, messages, dynamics of communications that allow us to "sell" our cause, our solution or products and services that support our mission. 
  • You will gain practical experience of organizing processes within the organization, of good planning and synchronization between the processes of strategizing, fundraising and communicating.
Как да се запишеш и какво включва цената?
✔︎ запази своето място от бутона ЗАПИШИ СЕ - там ще ни оставиш своите детайли; 
а до 3 работни дни ние ще ти пишем мейл за финално потвърждение
✔︎ преди началото на курса ще ти изпратим достъп до Google Classroom - платформата, 
в която ще се провежда учебната дейност: провеждане на лекции, предаване на самостоятелни задачи, получаване на обратна връзка и тн.
✔︎ получаваш доживотен достъп до всички провели се лекции, както и презентации и ресурси, които ще ти изпращаме в хода на обучението
цена на курса:
140лв с ДДС

Theodora Ivanova- Valeva

Professional with over 15 years of experience in the NGO sector.

Expert, mentor, consultant in project design and management, strategic planning, fundraising, management, evaluation and effectiveness of the activities of NGOs and social entrepreneurs. Theodora is also a professional trainer in the topics of fundraising, strategic and organizational management, D&I, social entrepreneurship and others, as well as founder of Impact Drive Foundation.


Victoria Mindova

Victoria Mindova is a communications specialist with 15 years of experience in traditional and online media. She has been an editor in shows such as "The Milen Tsvetkov Hour", "Combination with Lora Krumova and Galya Shcherbeva". After the birth of her first child, she redirected her professional experience to support the NGO sector and firmly believes that by sharing knowledge and providing support, social change can be achieved at all levels of society.

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