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October 27, 2017

"Build a new civilization, not money obsessed but about human beings"

Muhmmad Yunus


To give knowledge and skills to people who want to do social business.


To create a community of like-minded people who believe in change and the ability to find solutions for the right and common way forward.


Because we sincerely believe that social entrepreneurs will solve many of the problems in this world.


By introducing the basic concepts and clarifying what exactly is social entrepreneurship.


By getting to know and try in practice the main tools for the work of current and future social entrepreneurs.


By meeting the people who have dedicated themselves to social entrepreneurship and learning from the sources about the models, challenges and solutions.


By sharing many successful examples of social enterprises and businesses around the world that help solve a number of problems in today's world.


As we ask and answer questions, we discuss and share.


  • What is the world of social entrepreneurship?

  • Methods and tools of social entrepreneurship

  • Impact creation and scaling

  • Creating a business model.

  • Creativity, innovation, change: techniques for generating ideas

  • Value Proposition canvas

  • Business Model Canvas

  • How to finance your idea? Opportunities in Bulgaria

  • Creating a community of social entrepreneurs?


  • agents of change who want to solve problems

  • people with ideas who are excited about causes and looking for working mechanisms

  • representatives of non-governmental organizations (all types of organizations registered under the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities)

  • civic associations and informal groups

Program for the day:

09:00 - Registration

09:30 - Session I - What is social entrepreneurship?

What is the world of social entrepreneurship?

10:10 - Session II - Methods and tools of social entrepreneurship

Impact creation and scaling  

11:00 - Coffee break

11:30 - Creativity, innovation, change: techniques for generating ideas

Practical methods for creating new services, products and business models

12:30 - Practical module (Ideation Game)

13:30 - Lunch break

14:30 - Session III - Presentation of Value Proposition canvas and Business Model Canvas

15:00 - Coffee break

15:30 - Practical module - Creating a business model.

17.00 - Session IV - How to finance our idea? Opportunities in Bulgaria

17.30 - Creating a community of social entrepreneurs?

18:00 - End of training

"We need to train ourselves to see opportunity inside each problem"

Martin Burt, Paraguaya Foundation


Teodora Ivanova-Valeva

Founder of IVersa and director of social development at CSR Bulgaria , as well as an expert at the Open Society Institute.


I define myself as a multitasker. My professional life has long been related to the design and management of grant schemes and programs. I have worked in public administration and private management consulting, but I have found the passion and meaning for myself in working in the non-governmental sector and the organizations and people working for causes. I am very interested in how they can be effective, influential and successful in their missions. My work in support of organizations is related to project participation, mentoring, assistance in creating fundraising and business plans, communication and management strategies, lectures, consulting and much more. As a trainer, I develop and present author trainings on topics such as fundraising, social entrepreneurship, Business Model Canvas, Storytelling and communications, European and donor funding programs, Project Management and others.

My passion - the change that comes from us.

Ivelina Gadjeva

Founder of Design for All Bulgaria .


I am an industrial design specialist and the only expert in Bulgaria who deals with inclusive design. I have experience in the creative industry and have worked in sectors related to product design, urban planning and service design. I strongly believe that design has the potential to improve every aspect of people's lives, and that every person, regardless of their abilities, age, gender and culture, deserves to live in an accessible and attractive environment.

Since this year I am part of the team that implements TOM Bulgaria - an initiative to create change through the power of design.


I will be your guide in the creative process of recognizing and solving problems and will introduce you to the wide field of applicability of design thinking methods.


I can't wait to meet you, tomorrow's leaders of social change.

Special guests

Social entrepreneurs who will share experiences, obstacles and inspirations along the way.

Previous participants in the training on "Social Entrepreneurship" share:

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