by Impact Drive
Ценности в действие са серия от обучения и нетуърк събития и има за цел да изгради среда за споделяне, обмен на идеи и практики и сплотяване сред колегите от неправителствения сектор.
Целта ни с "Ценности в действие" е практиците и активистите в гражданските среди да развиват познанията си и практиките за въвличане на общностите и гражданите в темите за човешкото достойнство, свобода, демокрация, равенство, върховенство на закона и права човека.
Ценности в действие: предстоящи обучения
Upcoming Events
- Tue, 15 OctHOUR Space, Sofia
- Wed, 25 SeptNadarevo
Ценности в действие: видове обучения
The Design for Social Change training focuses on contemporary approaches to finding and strategizing solutions. We work with a proprietary methodology through which we cover topics and approaches related to idea generation, social innovation, engaging stakeholder groups and working with communities, trends in civic work, theory of change and impact planning, strategy building, action plans and financial planning.
The training "Building strong alliances": aims to build trust, activate supporters, create partnerships and networks - these are the focal topics of the training. It covers aspects related to how we build our image and identity and how this process is reflected in building relationships with supporters, donors, volunteers and communities and how it works against projects and action approaches. The training also looks at opportunities for collaboration and the benefits
of networking. Everything is examined through the practical work and solutions of experts in civil society organisations.
The Sustainable Organizations Workshop focuses on building practical skills, internal processes and tools to ensure efficiency in work and optimal use of resources. We will also look at processes for monitoring action plans, organisational management (internal procedures, good governance, people management, working with volunteers and pro-bono experts, resilience and change management), and evaluating the impact of our work. The workshop will be the basis for assessing the individual needs of organisations and drawing up individual support plans through consultation and mentoring.